
Welcome to rndthts.dev

Hey there! πŸ‘‹ This is where I share random thoughts on software development and document my POC projects. Expect a mix of ideas, experiments, and coding explorations.

If you enjoy building, breaking, and learning, stick around! πŸš€

Non-Technical Books For Developers

Cover image for Non-Technical Books For Developers

Mostly, I will write about the technical aspects of software development, but before I continue with that, I want to list some books that, in my opinion , every developer should read. Those books aren’t directly related to technical topics...

A Declaration of Intent: Why I'm Writing

Cover image for A Declaration of Intent: Why I'm Writing

I should probably have started with this post before writing anything else, but who cares? Probably no one will ever read this, and that’s perfectly fine. I’m not writing this for others. This blog is just my personal collection of notes and documentation; something I should have been doing for years but never did....

Compilation Process - Compilation

Cover image for Compilation Process - Compilation

In the last blog post, we covered the Preprocessing stage. Now, it’s time to dive into the Compilation stage....

Compilation Process - Preprocessing

Cover image for Compilation Process - Preprocessing

The compilation process consists of four key steps. In this series of blog posts, we’ll explore each of those steps, highlighting the most important aspects and sharing interesting insights along the way. 😊...

Writing your first pass with LLVM

Cover image for Writing your first pass with LLVM

Writing your first pass with LLVM...

How to inherit from lambdas?

Cover image for How to inherit from lambdas?

A step-by-step explanation of how we can inherit from lambdas....

Google Test - Missing Feature

Cover image for Google Test - Missing Feature

Have you ever used a tool but you were missing something? This is one such story…...

Hello World

Cover image for Hello World

Hello world example using c++...